Thursday, October 16, 2014

why 'green'; why this blog?


My new blog!!
well it's not 'totally' new, this was an edited blog, from my previous blog <@ dA K in m3? @>
i wanted to start something new, have been hibernating for too long..
had a lot of fun imagining what i would share here.. But they are all imaginations, not realized yet.
Haha.. Let's hope i achieve what is planned..

Now, what is it that was/is planned..?

- This would be my travel and ramble blog (mostly would be related to kpop =P)!Erm....... no, I don't travel all the time; only once per year, maybe twice sometimes - overseas I mean.. Also sometimes within Malaysia.
- will retain my previous posts about kpop (from my blog "da K in me?"), I'm too lazy to monitor both, and others as well.. kyaah.. laziness....
- It will all be from my inner brain!
I'll try not to make it too boring, even though it's meant to be a channel, to channel my craziness and inner self, i do hope that my personal experience and thoughts can be shared with others, spreading happy virus as well..
- green
Just.. wanted to add in something which would represent me.. and i love caps; my first cap was green, and woosh, here comes @girlwithagreencap..
personally, the greencap reminds me to stay true to my old self (who had soooo much fun being who she was)..
side story: i actually created a totally new blog called "girlwithagreenbag" - to blog on traveling, which right now, as i'm typing, is still existing, which i will delete off after i publish this post, which by then will vanish forever.. muahaha.. sorry, got carried away.. why green again? just.. my bag for traveling is green, so..
AND yes, totally inspired by 'the girl in the green scarf'' in Confessions of a Shopaholic - by Sophie Kinsella.. I hope no copyright involved, mine is 'cap'!!

With this, we come to the end of this post (also because I'm too lazy to continue). (=.=)
I'm visiting Korea soon!!!!!!!
Lots of research and effort done for this trip..
it will be a dream come true for me, after all these years of following Kpop, Kvariety and Kculture.
Kinda scared and excited, hopefully everything goes well..

Next post will be on Korea!!

Wingardium Leviosa!
Up up here we go!

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